Corporate Social Responsibility
Is your company looking for a charity to support as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility? There are so many ways a business could help us to make a difference to the lives of local women, men and children.
If you are interested, email for more information.
Are you an employee that wants to encourage their work to support LWA? Download our information pack and send it to your manager: LWA Opportunities
Gold Sponsor Partner:
Announcing HCB Solicitors, Leicester, as a Gold Sponsor Partner:
HCB Solicitors Leicester are a passionate and approachable team of legal advisers specialising in all areas of law. We are part of a Nationwide firm and so have the expertise and resources to assist you with all your legal needs. We are based on Bowling Green Street in Leicester city centre, easily accessible for anyone who needs legal advice. If you have any enquiry you can call into our office or email/telephone our advisers directly. We will handle your legal issues efficiently and empathetically, ensuring we provide tailored advice to achieve the best outcome for you.
Visit our website for more information and ways to contact us HCB Solicitors – providing legal advice to both individual and corporate clients. (
We are proud to support Living Without Abuse as the work they do for domestic abuse survivors in our community is invaluable. We believe no one should have to go without the basic essentials.
Official Partners:

We are proud to be supporting LWA and will be holding several fundraising events through the year.
Charnwood Self Defence. We Teach Self Defence. We Do Not Do Sales.
Ways to support Living Without Abuse
Charity of the Year
Choose LWA as your charity of the year – hold internal fundraising events throughout the year, or just make a donation
Payroll Giving
You can offer a payroll giving scheme to your staff. This is one of the most tax efficient methods of giving to charity.
Take part in an event
We have a range of events throughout the year, perfect for team bonding! Sign up, or emailing for more information.
Sponsor an event
We offer a range of sponsorship options for our events – it gets your name out to our 3000 followers on social media and on the day too!
Donate a prize
We’re always looking for items to raffle or auction at our events!
Internal fundraising
Members of staff can organise their own fundraising events, or you could have a company wide fundraiser. Whether that’s a raffle, Bake Off, wear a funny hat day, anything you can imagine!
Hold a collection
Could you hold a collection in the staff room or office for clothes, shoes, books, bedding, curtains or mobile phones?
LWA can pass these items to people who need them or work with our partners to turn them into a cash donation.
Please get involved and help us make a difference to people experiencing domestic abuse.