Honour based violence

Honour based violence, including ‘honour killings’, is a type of abuse that is carried out in communities that have strong perceptions of ‘honour’ and ‘shame’.

Individuals may be seen to bring shame onto the family if they behave, or it is rumoured that they have behaved, in a way which the family or community disapproves of, this can result in honour based violence.  This may include having a ‘non-arranged’ relationship, having a relationship with someone of a different faith, dressing inappropriately, refusing an arranged marriage, leaving a marriage or being gay.

Acting on this in a violent manner is honour based violence.

The concept of honour and shame leads families to perpetrate honour based violence such as keeping victims locked in the house, sending them abroad, forced marriage, assaults and ultimately murdering them – which is called honour killing. Speaking out against honour based violence is extremely difficult as the perpetrators are more often than not the victim’s extended family and loved ones, who they do not wish to feel the force of the law.

If you think you are at risk of honour based violence please seek help – GET HELP NOW.