Group Support Programmes

“Coming and meeting new people in similar situations has been helpful.  Its been supportive and given me something to look forward to.”

LWA runs programmes for survivors of domestic and/or sexual abuse.  Although joining a group programme can initially feel quite daunting or embarrassing, the survivors who have completed them find the process incredibly healing, and meeting other people who have had similar experiences has been a great encouragement.  Some amazing, supportive friendships have come out of the programmes.

Groups are always female only or males only.

All programmes are free.

The Freedom Programme

The Freedom Programme is a twelve week course that explores the beliefs of the perpetrator, the different types of abuse, and how to recognise the early warning signs. The programme also aims to increase self-esteem and confidence.


An eight week domestic abuse awareness programme looking at different types of abuse, focusing on the survivor and the future.

(This group is also suitable for survivors of sexual abuse)


A six week programme which purely concentrates on building self esteem and confidence.

You and Me, Mum

A parenting programme which helps parents understand the impact the abuse has had on their children.  It aims to improve, rebuild and restore relationships between parents and their children.


A two day programme for survivors who are involved in child protection proceedings or are at risk of losing their children due to domestic abuse in the family.

Males Group

A six week domestic abuse awareness programme, specifically for male victims of domestic abuse, exploring types of abuse, warning signs and exploring the barriers to seeking support.

Young People-Let’s talk relationships

A six week domestic abuse awareness programme, specifically for young people age 13yrs-25yrs, looking at different types of abuse, using peer to peer support, focusing on healthy relationships, boundaries, trauma and the future.



Please note Freedom Programme, Unbroken and Unbreakable will run numerous times throughout the year.  Other groups such as Lightbulb, Male Group and Young People’s group are run less often, please continue to check the website for any upcoming dates

(last updated: 25/03/2025)

 If you are interested in these programmes please ring our

Helpline on 0808 80 200 28 to get booked on.


“I can now make my own decisions and not feel scared and worried.”